Tuesday, January 28, 2014

On Meeting Chris Brogan…. and a Sneak Peek at Microsoft NERD Center, Boston

Last night I had the opportunity to meet Chris Brogan at #MeetChrisBrogan event at the Microsoft NERD Center in Cambridge, MA. The event was graciously put together by Keith Griffis of ifSimply.com.  Thanks Keith!

Chris Brogan is an interesting guy with lots of experience in keeping customers happy in business. He gave us a few tips on making a commitment to your business as an entrepreneur that I'd like to share with you.  Nothing earth shattering but a great reminder of ….


1.) COMMIT:  Make a commitment to yourself by making a decision and doing it!  Write it down and follow up with yourself.  Make it happen, no matter what! Do not be afraid to fail, in fact, fail a lot.  It's how we learn.

2.) INVEST: You must invest in your commitment and pour yourself into it.  If you don't, no one else will. This is your baby, get it done.

3.) ACT: Do not sit idle and think, "oh, I'll get to that" or let other things take priority.  Act upon your commitment and GET IT DONE!

4.) COMMUNICATE: Communicate your commitment to everyone you know. Let them know what you're doing.  Bounce ideas off trusted partners along the way to make sure you're on the right track.  Take their advice or don't, but communicate it to everyone.  This will hold you to your commitment.

5.) CONNECT: Connect with people and share your final commitment with people.  Email, Tweet, Facebook, Instagram, Call, Connect in Person.  Whatever it takes.  Get your message out.  Plant seeds with people, don't just throw your message out there, connect with people and follow up. (Make sure it's clear, concise and consistent! - HC)

6.) SERVE: Now that you've got your message out there, commit to serve your clients with your business. Your business will not go anywhere if you do not serve your clients…. ALL, THE, TIME. Also, don't forget to serve your connections.  Check in on them often and see what they're up to.  Keep those connections fresh.

So as you kick off the new year, stay committed to your business and your clients! And, thanks for the advice, Chris Brogan.  He recently launched an online magazine for entrepreneurs, Owner Magazine.  You can check it out here and see if it is for you.

Stay tuned for other posts on some interesting people I met last night.

SNEAK PEEK! Microsoft NERD Center, Cambridge, MA. Below are a few snapshots of the Microsoft NERD Center.  It reminds me a lot of Hasbro & Black & Decker office; lots of creative space for creative meetings. Check out the interesting lighting, clean cabinetry and meeting spaces.  My favorite was the "Pebble" room, as I called it.  The furniture in the room looks like pebbles and the carpet is green like grass. The view of the Charles River and city line is stunning with the tall floor to ceiling windows.